Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Money Saving Challenge - June 1

One of the blogs I subscribe to has a money saving challenge every day, detailing differnt things they did through the day to save money. I am going to give it a shot for the month of June.

**Breakfast was cereal from the stockpile.

**Got my coupon for free chocolate and free Oscar Mayer hot dogs in the mail, along with my new entertainment book.

**Needed to order flowers for a funeral and used my new entertainment book for a savings of $15.00

**Went to CVS. Got 4 cans of coffee and a Schick Titanium razor for .78

**Went to a CVS near me, that has no other "distractions". Didn't spend any other money.

Things I did wrong:

**Sent Jimmy over to Franks for ice cream. We had ice cream in the freezer, but that "open" sign was screaming my name.

Your turn. Leave a comment about something you did June 1st to save money!

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