Challenge: Junk Drawer
Thanks for joining me for this set of challenges. I am really excited about getting organized and having support!
I am taking direction from A Bowl Full of Lemons.
What to do:
1. Find a drawer, any drawer (preferably your junk drawer), and take a picture as it looks right now. No cheating here. We want to see chaos!
2. Now empty the contents into a large box. ALL OF THEM! (Trust me, the box will be much easier than the counter... you can transport it).
3. Get a soapy washcloth and wipe the drawer clean.
4. Now, go collect some organizing containers. The more containers you have, the more organized you are going to stay!
5.Set up your bins and trash can near you: one bin for "keep", the trash can bin for "toss", and the "donation box" you set aside earlier in the week.
6. Get your box of drawer contents, take a seat at the table, and start purging. Keep ONLY what you have used in the last 3 months. Toss everything else... either in the donation box or the trash.
7. After you have gone through the whole box, you can start organizing! This is the fun part. Try to keep like items together. Isn't organizing fun?
8. Now take another picture and give your self a pat on the back! Way to go... you completed challenge #1.
No judgements here. Please send me your before and after pictures. I would love to post them to share with everyone else on our progress. My email is
Good luck and I look forward to hearing from you!
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